WTI price was $88.2 on October 02, 2023.
YTD growth is 65%.
It's 30.5% down from the 5 year top of $127.0.
Brent price was $90.5 on October 02, 2023.
YTD growth is 45.9%.
It's 30.5% down from the 5 year top of $130.1.
Brent - WTI spread was $2.2 on October 02, 2023.
YTD growth is -73.8%.
WTI NYMEX long - short money managers open positions was 301,660 contracts on September 26, 2023. YTD growth is 44.6%. It's 24.1% down from the 5 year top of 397,549 contracts and above the middle line in the 5 year coridor which implies support for the oil price.
WTI NYMEX money managers open long positions were 330,645 contracts on September 26, 2023. YTD growth is 6.9%. They are 25.6% down from the 5 year top of 444,681 contracts. WTI NYMEX money managers open short positions were 28,985 contracts on September 26, 2023. YTD growth is -71.2%. They are 19.1% up from the 5 year bottom of 24,338 contracts.
For the quarter ending March 31, 2025 world oil demand is forecasted at 0.00 mln. bpd, production at 0.00 mln. bpd so inventories change is expected at 0.00 mln. bpd. This implies oil price will have a pressure toward stable behavior this quarter.
US crude oil inventories, excluding Strategic Petrolium Reserve (SPR) were 416,287 thousand barrels on September 22, 2023.
YTD growth is 4.1%.
They are 1.5% up from the 5 year bottom of 409,950 thousand barrels which implies support for the oil price.
OECD commercial crude oil and other liquids inventory is expected to reach 2,844 mln. barrels on December 31, 2024.
US crude oil production was 12,900 thousand bpd on September 22, 2023. YTD growth is 38.9%. It's 1.5% down from the 5 year top of 13,100 thousand bpd.
US oil rig count was 502 rigs on September 29, 2023. YTD growth is -50.7%. It's 26.5% down from the 5 year top of 683 rigs.
The number of oil rigs in the US regions with the most active drilling activity is the following as of September 29, 2023: Permian 308 rigs, Eagle Ford 44 rigs, Cana Woodford 16 rigs and other oil regions 98 rigs.
US tight oil production by regions as of October 01, 2023 is the following: Anadarko 419 th. bpd, Appalachia 146 th. bpd, Bakken 1,227 th. bpd, Eagle Ford 1,109 th. bpd, Haynesville 36 th. bpd, Niobrara 682 th. bpd and Permian 5,773 th. bpd.
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bpd - barrels per day
bbl - barrel, barrels
th. - thousand, thousands
mln. - million, millions
YTD - year to date