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NXP Semiconductors N.V.

NXP Semiconductors NV operates as a global semiconductor company.

Industry: Semiconductors

Ticker Exchange ISIN
$NXPI Nasdaq NL0009538784

Twit about NXPI stock

Latest twits on NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NXPI)


Rob Cawthon 10:41 AM 07/26/2022


President Biden says that The CHIPS for America Act will return Semi jobs to the US. Unfortunatelly, it will not. $50b is peanuts for the Semi capex. US needs $5T to get that done and return leadership in Semi which was lost several decades ago. #neutral


Matthew Cameron 02:57 PM 02/03/2021



Matthew Cameron 02:51 PM 02/03/2021

Global #semiconductor sales increased 6.5% to $439B in 2020, according to trade group Semiconductor industry Association.

2021 will be better as trends started in 2020 (WFH, 5G) will continue to unfold! #bullish



Adam Taylor 03:28 AM 01/09/2021

Global semiconductor shortage causes Ford and Nissan to cut vehicle production

Who is the reason of this auto semiconductors supply shortage? $INTC $MU $NXPI $TXN $MCHP #bullish