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Applied Materials Inc

Applied Materials, Inc.

Industry: Semiconductors

Ticker Exchange ISIN Name
$AMAT Nasdaq US0382221051
$4336 HKEx Main Board US0382221051Code: 4336

Twit about AMAT stock

Latest twits on Applied Materials Inc (AMAT)

Philippe Corden 09:58 AM 02/18/2023

$AMAT $INTC top-3 countries are fighting for leadership in the most advanaced chips manufacturing. US is not in the list. Here is the chart of sales of #ASML - manufacturer of the most advanaced chips equipment. #neutral


Rob Cawthon 10:41 AM 07/26/2022


President Biden says that The CHIPS for America Act will return Semi jobs to the US. Unfortunatelly, it will not. $50b is peanuts for the Semi capex. US needs $5T to get that done and return leadership in Semi which was lost several decades ago. #neutral

Kourtney West 05:55 AM 11/25/2014

$4331 $4332 $4333 $4335 $4336 $4337 $4338 for those who don't know: here is the original press release from 2000 explaining why 7 Nasdaq stocks are traded on HKEx. "The Nasdaq shares are being admitted for trading only. They are not listed on SEHK. The Nasdaq Stock Market retains responsibility for the regulation of these companies to ensure that they meet the relevant listing requirements."