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Union Bank Of India

Union Bank of India operates as a commercial bank in India.

Industry: Banks

Ticker Exchange ISIN Name
$UNIONBANK BSE INE692A01016Code: 532477

Twit about UNIONBANK stock

Latest twits on Union Bank Of India (UNIONBANK)

Vishal Khanna 02:19 AM 18-04-2015

$AXISBANK, $YESBANK, $HDFCBANK, $ICICIBANK, $KOTAKBANK, $FEDERALBNK, $J&KBANK, $PNB, $SBIN, $UNIONBANK, $IDFC, $HDFC Bank credit growth dropped to a 18-year low while deposit growth fell to a 19y low in 2014-15 with new investment proposals from corporates drying up and projects announced in the past remaining stuck because of legacy issues. Credit growth would have been substantially lower if not pick-up in personal loans. #bearish economictimes.indiatimes....2040.cms

Vishal Khanna 09:21 PM 10-04-2015

$AXISBANK, $YESBANK, $HDFCBANK, $ICICIBANK, $KOTAKBANK, $FEDERALBNK, $J&KBANK, $PNB, $SBIN, $UNIONBANK, $IDFC, $HDFC Indian banks are slow in cutting rates (and in following State Bank of India)

Amir Uttal 04:32 PM 28-03-2015

Banks and financial companies like $AXISBANK, $YESBANK, $HDFCBANK, $ICICIBANK, $KOTAKBANK, $FEDERALBNK, $J&KBANK, $PNB, $SBIN, $UNIONBANK, $IDFC, $HDFC are high beta stocks. Rally is expected in Nifty in the coming 1-2 weeks for 15%. #Buy or close your shorts in these stocks at least.

+2 (2)


Trisha Sanyal 03:31 PM 04-01-2015

Here is a good overview research about 19 Indian banks and financial companies.

$AXISBANK target is 545, $YESBANK 815, $HDFCBANK 1090, $ICICIBANK 390, $KOTAKBANK 1250, $FEDERALBNK 165, $J&KBANK 165, $PNB 208, $SBIN 350, $UNIONBANK 255, $IDFC 175, $HDFC 1200

+2 (2)